Friday, February 18, 2011

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, PsyOps and Hezbollah's threat to the Galilee....

To the buffoons who call themselves the March14th gathering of stooges, lackeys and puppets of CIA/MOSSAD/DGSE/MI6/BND/GID/CSIS.....
Soufflés, it is said, do not rise twice....
In politics, ideas are instrumental to the reproduction of power....but not such gibberish by Saatchi&Saatchi creeps.
Economic gain often prevails over moral principles in the international relations of the Middle East....and the World...
Western governments and academics are complicit in all of this charade for decades...., giving the 'butchers of Tripoli and Damascus' plus undeserved respite....and they are still at it today....

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, PsyOps and Hezbollah's threat to the Galilee....

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah might well be the only political figure in the Middle-East who never made an empty threat or who never bragged about something he could not deliver on....[ Sami Shehab, i.e. Mohamed Mansour is the latest example...., and the release of all Lebanese from Israeli prisons is another...]

Better for Israel to never ever attack Lebanon again....

The Nationalist Resistance of Hezbollah is legal, defensible, honorable and most Lebanese strongly support them.
Hezbollah is but a natural response to neglect, wars and aggression from our neighbors since 1948....
March14th creeps, stooges and puppets of the USA/Israel poke the lion’s den and expect to be made love to or torn apart?
I differentiate between HA and the idea of resistance. I supported the resistance against PLO thugs, murderers and terrorists before HA was around, and will continue to support the right to resist and defend our country against any invading enemy. I will support whoever leads a nationalist Resistance movement with clear objectives.

No one is asking Lebanese to like HA or defend them. No one is asking Lebanese to defend the south. All I’m asking Lebanese to do, is to be honest, and put their prejudice and political views aside, and be objective when caricaturizing historical events, and stop being Israeli or American apologists....

I have often criticized HA , for many decisions they took, and look forward for the day Lebanon won’t need a resistance by HA or any other party.... but that day is far, far from happening, so long that we have such crooked neighbors...
Lebanese have the right to hate HA and what it stands for, but Lebanese are wrong, putting it nicely, to not to see Israel’s responsibility in murdering thousands of our own people since 1948....and counting.

It seems that Hezbollah's threat to “conquering Galilee” offended Lebanese much more than Barak’s threats to invade Lebanon again.....

Lebanese seem to forget, or intentionally ignore the fact that Hezbollah said “if war was forced upon Lebanon”....

As for the illegal weapons; who determines what is legal and what is not? When the south was under Israel’s constant attack for the past 65 years, who volunteered to defend it? Lebanese from the south...seeking to defend their homes, farms villages and towns.... Was it the Lebanese government, or Lebanese warlords...? Or was it the so called international community? Or the incompetent modern Arab states who are collapsing one after another?

A state can’t ignore its people for 65 years and leave them defenseless, yet claim the right to categorize those who defend themselves as illegal....PERIOD. and no one else can either....

A state can’t ignore its responsibilities toward building hospitals, roads, and basic services, yet complain that Iran or Qatar or anyone else, is building infrastructure in the south. It does not have to be this way... We should not need to have Iran or Hezbollah or Qatar do the jobs, the state is supposed to do for decades....

We all watched the shameful performance of the traitorous/collaborators Siniora government during the 2006 war and the negligence afterwards, with the relief efforts....etc, Nothing, for Lebanese to be proud of. So, “Bala Shatara”, and let’s not try to score meaningless points about lost arguments.... This is not about blindly supporting or blindly opposing. Lebanese just should not do that. Lebanese shouldn't hide behind anything like silly or sectarian arguments.... Lebanese are like an open book. Proud to support when they think it is the right thing to do, and strongly and viciously oppose when it is the right thing to do....and overwhelmingly have chosen to support the Valiant Nationalist Resistance of Hezbollah.

March14th traitors can pat themselves on the back all day long and claim to be true. I’m Ok with that if it makes them fellow Lebanese feel better about their utterly disgusting and bad judgment since 1985.....

Hezbollah is but a natural response to neglect, wars and aggression from our neighbors since 1948....

Lebanese can dig their heads in the sand, and pretend not to see the truth, but you can’t ask others to pretend that they didn’t face aggression, torture, wars and occupation, and that US/Israeli threats are still out there... Show the Lebanese people how to defend Lebanon against Israel, and then Lebanese can ask them to give up their arms... Make sure you don’t recommend the international community, the UN or the Arab league (they are falling one by one)...

All I know is that ,where we came from, is an area that suffered so much at the hands of Israelis, and their Lebanese agents ,such as the criminals of Samir Geagea's Lebanese forces, Lahad army of traitors the SLA..., or the thuggish PLO and Arafat....and it was not March14th lackeys , or the Lebanese government who liberated it.... Until Lebanon can change these facts, March14th Lebanese have no right to tell people how to defend themselves....

If Lebanese have to listen to people like the March14th traitors and stooges of the CIA/MOSSAD/GID/KSA/EGID/DGSE/MI6/BND creeps, Israel would still have an embassy in Jounieh....
Being labeled as terrorist or illegal …. Etc. is not a good thing, yet it is much better than dying cowardly....

"Invade Israel" and "invade ALL of Israel" are different propositions... So I don't know exactly what Nasrallah could have had in mind. Did he want Hezbollah to go down and liberate Gaza, or did he just want to infiltrate some forces into northern Israel and bring the war inside Israel's territory.

If Hezbollah decided to cross into Israel proper, the Israeli Air Force would be useless as Hezbollah does not have the kind of assets which an Air Force could engage. No armor, no vehicles (except maybe 4x4 SUVs), no logistical lines which could be cut, no heavy artillery, etc. So we can forget about the Israel Air Force being useful...

If I had to send Hezbollah fighters inside Israel, I would send them in, in small groups of 5-7 men, on foot, with mostly sabotage and psyops in mind. I suspect that such an infiltration would result in quite a nice panic (Israelis are cowards, they have shown that over and over again) which, in itself, might be an interesting thing to exploit fully....

The Israeli military is simply too large to beat in a regular kind of war. I don't think that Hezbollah would ever try to hold on to any terrain inside Israel. But that does not mean that it cannot strike deep. I would not be surprised at all if I learned one day that Hezbollah has Hebrew-speaking units, equipped with IDF uniforms and close to perfect ID cards. Such units could be sent into Israeli cities and create chaos. Not only that, but if Hezbollah decided to send it, say, 3 such teams, the Israelis would not know if there are 3 of them or 5 or 20. So, again, Hezbollah could engage in unconventional warfare inside Israel proper without "invading" or, much less so, "occupying" the Galilee....but, rather "Conquering" the Galilee...remembering that the Galilee is mostly inhabited by Arabs/1948.....who are amenable to say the least.....and in waiting.....

I will say that I do not think that the Israelis would be very expert at defending against such a move. It is one thing to terrorize Palestinian civilians, and quite another to being proficient in counter special forces operations... Add to this that the Israeli military is a mediocre infantry force whose skills have been greatly degraded over the years. Finally, the IDF is very afraid to operate inside the Palestinian territories (their soldiers all think about Gilad Shalit or how they got snatched by Hezbollah in 2006). So if the Hezbollah forces stay mostly within the Galilee border towns or the West Bank section which is not controlled by the Israelis, they could be relatively safe.

The biggest danger for any Hezbollah deep infiltration unit would not be the Israeli settlers themselves who are not motivated and who would not be fighting on their stolen land at least that is how they would perceive it... I expect that the counter-infiltration capabilities of the settlers to be mediocre and their level of vigilance and determination to flee and run for cover in Tel Aviv very high... So if I had to send in Hezbollah fighters I would tell them to attack the settlements as much as possible...

Paradoxically, IDF units inside Israel are probably rather easy targets. I expect that their sentries are bored, their discipline poor, and their skills very mediocre. Ounce the alert is given, IDF units, supported by Shin Bet, Border Guards and various police forces would probably dramatically increase the security of IDF camps, but initially they could be an excellent target....

Still, the most psychologically effective attack would probably be inside a city, on a symbolical target. That would result into a good panic which would put pressure on the political leadership. Combine that with rocket strikes and I say that Hezbollah might, for the first time, really bring the fighting inside Israel....and Hezbollah will fully liberate the Shebaa farms, Kafarshouba and the seven villages including Nkheileh..., should Israel launch any new war of aggression on Lebanon anytime soon....

لماذا وضع السيد نصر الله الجليل في معادلة المقاومة

من الخاصرة التي تؤلمها، مسك السيد حسن نصرالله إسرائيل... هكذا عزف على وتر حساس اسمه الجليل مرسِلاً إليه
مقاومين وعتاد إذا....

لماذا الجليل؟ لأنه المنطقة المحاذية للجنوب اللبناني، الواقع على مرمى قدر من الجولان، الحامل أهميته العسكرية في تضاريسه وطبيعته ومواقعه المرقطة، الحاضن لعرب منعوا حتى الساعة تهويده، الرافد للاقتصاد الإسرائيلي بسياحته. وباختصار لأن سقوط الجليل سيعني سقوط كل المجتمع اليهودي

"لواء الجليل يعادل ربع مساحة فلسطين وهو يحاذي الجولان من جهة طبريا ويحاذي لبنان بتلال وجبال مرتفعة ذات تضاريس تسمح بحرية التنقل والاختباء للجيش الإسرائيلي والاحتماء من أي قصف لبناني أو سوري فيما لو وقع.... أهمية الجليل أنه لا يزال في معظمه عربي على رغم الجهود الإسرائيلية منذ الستينات لتهويده أي لجعل اليهود أغلبية فيه إلا أن هذه الجهود لم تحقق أهدافها. وهناك مدن جليلية تشكل شوكة في حلق إسرائيل كالناصرة وعرابي وسخنين وأم الفحم كلها ما زالت بلدات عربية خالصة ومقاومة للمشروع الصهيوني للاستيلاء على أراضيهم. وأي سقوط للمستعمرات الإسرائيلية المقابلة للحدود اللبنانية سيعني سقوط كل المجتمع اليهودي في شمال فلسطين.... وأي تعرض لمثل هذه المستعمرات باقتدار وقوة بالتحرير الموقت سيقوي معنويات العرب في الجليل في مناهضتهم للتمييز العنصري والخدمة الإلزامية المفروضة على الدروز والشركس والبدو وسيجعل قوة الردع الإسرائيلية تتهاوى مجدداً على غرار ما حصل في حرب تموز 2006

ومع أن الدخول إلى الجليل لتحريره مشروط بإذا، إلا أن رسالة السيد نصرالله كانت واضحة عن قدرة المقاومة وجهوزيتها وعن توازن ما مع ما سمي بأقوى جيش في العالم.... ولذلك لم يعد "وطننا حبل غسيل لمناديل الدم المسفوك" كما غنى مارسيل خليفة في عصافير الجليل

.....Speech by Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah!

I take refuge in Allah against the stoned devil. In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, The Lord of the world. Peace be on the Seal of prophets - our Master and Prophet Abi Al Qassem Mohammad - and on his chaste and pure Household, chosen companions and all prophets and messengers.

First we salute the souls of our martyrs – the chaste pure souls – especially the souls of the leader martyrs and to their souls we offer the reward of Al Fatiha Surah.

Scholars, brothers and sisters! Peace be upon you all and Allah's mercy and blessing. I welcome you on this day on which we mark one of the dearest occasions in our jihadi and religious life.

First I would like to extend my regards to the families of the martyrs: the family of our master Hezbollah Secretary General martyr leader His Eminence Sayyed Abbass Mussawi (May Allah bless his soul), the family of the struggling sacrificing faithful chaste martyr Um Yasser Mussawi and martyr Hussein, the family of our dear Sheikh martyr leader – the Sheikh of the Islamic Resistance martyrs – Sheikh Ragheb Harb, the family of the great jihadi leader, the leader of victories and the prince of battlefields – Hajj Imad Moghniyeh, Hajj Ridwan – May Allah bless all their souls.

This occasion today coincides with a number of occasions which we must mention before ushering in my speech. One of these occasions is the great occasion of the birth of the great Prophet – the seal of prophets Abi Al Qassem Mohammad Bin Abdullah (pbuh). As you know there are several views. Some say the Prophet (pbuh) was born on 12 Rabi I, and others say he was born on 17 Rabi I. this is a point of dispute. Imam Khomeini (May Allah bless his soul) – the Imam of Islamic unity said: Let's change the point of dispute to a point of unity and concurrence. Let the week from 12 Rabi I to 17 Rabi I be a week for Islamic unity and days of meeting, cooperation and adherence between Muslims - all Muslim factions and all the followers of various Islamic sects. I offer my blessings on this occasion to all Muslims and I ask Allah Al Mighty to make us really among the followers of this great Prophet.

Among the occasions of these days also is the anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran on February 11th, 1979 which met this year with the occasion of the victory of the revolution of the Egyptian people and youths against the tyrant. It is a sign of good fortune that February 11th be a day of the collapse of the most important and powerful and the greatest allies of America and Israel in the region: the shah regime in Iran and the regime of Husni Mubarak in Egypt.

Among the important occasions is the assassination of PM martyr Rafiq Hariri on February 14th, 2005. This bloody event had great and serious repercussions on the situation in Lebanon and the region which we are still living.

The occasion we meet to mark is the anniversary of our martyr leaders. When we mark their anniversary we don't aim to glorify them. They are not in need for any glorification or praise. We rather do that for our benefit and not for their sake. In marking the anniversary of the martyr leaders and all martyrs we sit in their presence and between their hands, and they are masters and teachers. We learn from them and inspire from their jihad and conduct. We are guided with their views and chaste souls. We also sit in their presence again to renew our oath and pledge to continue on the path they paved with their chaste blood.

Last year I tackled some of the common points between these martyr leaders. Today I will add some of these common features between Sheikh Ragheb Harb, Sayyed Abbass Mussawi and Hajj Imad. They were the founders of this Resistance from the very first moments and days. They set the cornerstones of this Resistance. They made the first shouts and shots of the Resistance. Among their common features also is that they never lagged behind, abandoned, gave up or got tired or despaired. On the contrary, they had a permanent active, influential, productive and creative leading presence. They devoted their youth and lives to the Resistance. They sacrificed their own lives for this Resistance.

Moreover, these great leaders stand for the entire 30-year stage of the history of our Resistance. In a year the age of our Islamic Resistance will be exactly 30 years. They stand for the entire past 30 years of the history of the Resistance as well as the history of Lebanon and the region. Each one of them was a symbol at one of the stages. Their blood integrated and all through these thirty years used to give more power, awareness, determination, resolution, love, trust and certitude about the future and the stages of victory to come. We never viewed our martyrs, leaders and Resistance as independent from the general situation in Lebanon, the region and the nation. We’re a part and a continuation of the fighters, the Resistance leaders and the leader founders of the Lebanese Resistance on the top of whom comes His Eminence Imam Mussa Sadre – may Allah restore him and both his friends - and many leaders in the Lebanese Resistance, the Palestinian Resistance and the Arab Resistance. We do not view our martyrs, leaders and Resistance but as part of this movement of awakening and awareness in the region and part of the resistance movement and the challenge. As is the case of Lebanon in the regional equations – it influences them and is influenced by them – the resistance movements, which we are proud of being and are still a part of, are the normal response. They are and are still the normal response of the peoples in the region to the invasions, occupations and the projects of hegemony and domination.

The Resistance movements and the peoples of the region never attacked anybody or launched a war against anyone. Their project was never that of war and fighting. Rather they were aggressed against. Their lands and sanctities were invaded. Their honor and dignity were overstepped. Their independence and decision were confiscated. The Resistance movements in the region constituted and still constitute the only guarantee of achieving justice, stability and peace.

Allow me today to talk about justice and stability because what we are heading to in Lebanon in the coming few weeks comes under the title of the new American political invasion of Lebanon. (They surely aren't allowed to do it militarily). I will start with a word on justice before talking for a while about the region, Israel and Lebanon. I have three topics.

The Resistance movements alone achieve justice, stability and peace in the region. We agree that any peace in the region or any stability in the region or in Lebanon or in any other place in the world is naturally conditioned by justice and achieving justice. Peace and stability which are based on injustice, oppression, violation of the rights of others and harming the dignities of people cannot be a true peace and a permanent stability. Rather no soon it will fall and collapse. Accordingly we found our viewpoint and continue on our path and jihad.

Let's go back to the very roots of the cause – as these days are the days of going back to the roots. The primary and essential problem in the region for more than 60 years has two phases or two integrating and complementary parts.

The first part is the existence of the entity that is usurping occupied Palestine: Israel. The Zionist movement started the war. Neither the Palestinians, nor the Lebanese, nor the Syrians, nor the Jordanians, nor the Egyptians nor any people of the peoples in the region attacked the Jews or the Zionists or the followers of the Zionist project in any place in the world. Even if we went back hundreds of years in history we would find that the followers of Judaism used to live in the countries of the Arabs and Muslims in peace and security most of the times. At times they enjoyed more security than Muslims themselves who used to have problems with the successive sultans, rulers and governments.

It's they who came to Palestine and the region. It's they who aggressed, killed, slaughtered, perpetrated crimes, burnt down houses and crops, confiscated properties and expelled a people from their land. It's they who started the war with absolute western support and adoption – that's not to talk about the Arab stance in 1948. It's they who launched wars of expansion towards the rest of Palestine, Syria, Jordan, Egypt and Lebanon. The resistance movements in Palestine and the region and the opposition governments were found as a right, honorable, national, religious and moral response to this occupation and all these crimes.

Thus we say that it's true that the logic of the resistance and the logic of justice is a normal condition for stability. What does justice require? Here I would like to address this speech also to Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton who daily talk about justice and stability.
Justice has come to have two phases:

The first phase: Justice requires that rights be restored to their owners. That means that the land, properties, fields and houses must be returned to their owners who still keep the keys of their houses and dream of return. Justice requires that millions of Palestinians in exodus and Palestinian refugees in the land occupied since 1967 return to their land. Justice also requires that the Islamic and Christian sanctities be returned to their owners. Justice requires that the Palestinian people establish their state all over their land from the river to the sea. This is the first phase. The second phase of justice requires punishing war criminals, massacres' perpetrators and perpetrators of crimes against humanity. This is justice. Under such a justice, there would be unequaled peace, security and stability in the region. However, seeking fake peace through frustrating negotiations that offer more scandalous concessions which do not return any right to its owner but on the contrary rewards the criminals and the killers and offers awards to them can not achieve peace at all. How far is the US administration from justice and stability in the region! How far is the US administration and the western administrations also from returning rights to their owners and from establishing international tribunals to try Zionist war criminals who are rather receiving more support and protection and who are imposing their conditions on the Palestinians and are on the judicial and legal level enjoying in some western countries laws amendments so that no one may file a suit against an Israel general who is a war criminal.

The second part of the problem in the region is this US-western system which was founded through a group of dictatorships which rule their peoples with a fiery iron fist. They have ruled their peoples for decades while being backed by political forces and cultural, media and religious elites. The mission of this US system in our region and countries is protecting the vital US interests on all domains: economic interests on top of which is fuel, political interests and security interests the core of which is Israel. Thus Israel was and is still the norm. the Qoran teaches us about norms: {The kindest among you is the most pious}. The more man is away from sin and closer to obedience he would be kinder and closer to Allah. In comparison, the closer the regime in any Arab or Islamic country or organization or elite or group or political party or media outlet is to Israel, the more it preserves the interests of Israel and protects the security and peace of Israel, the closer and more important it would be to the successive US administrations. The norm of closeness and farness from America is not human rights, democracy or public freedoms; it is rather the service of our regimes in our region to Israel. If the regime is at even with Israel, defends Israel and protects Israel, it would be a strategic ally to the USA which protects it and offers it billions of dollars as various aids and let it do whatever it wants with its people. Let it be a dictatorship or a democracy. Let there be elections or not. Let there be freedoms or not. Let there be hundreds of thousands of prisoners. Let there be hundreds of thousands of graves. That is of no importance. What is important is that the regime offers the required services to Israel that constitutes the heart and the crown of the US project in the region. However if an Arab or Islamic regime which is a resisting or at least an opposing regime – even if it does not fight Israel but it does not submit and yield to Israel's conditions or sign a humiliating settlement – it will be subject to siege, sanctions, pressure, isolation and conspiracy. Let's not mention names and details. Hasn't this been the case for decades with the various successive regimes in our region?

As we are still close to the occasion of February 11, I still remember that in the onset of the movement of Imam Khomeini in the early sixties and following some speeches which were followed with some demonstrations, a delegation from the Savac (The Shah's security body which was run by the Americans) came to the Imam and told him: You can say whatever you want. There is no problem in that. We will not prevent you from speaking. Make speeches and issue statements. Do whatever you want but there are red lines which you may not approach: first America, second Israel and third the person of the Shah. As for the prime minister, the ministers, the parliament and the party, the mayors and servants who follow the Shah, there is no problem in saying anything about them. But the formers are red lines. The regime in Iran was an American regime. The Americans were the ones who used to run Iran. The Shah was just the face. It was an Israeli regime and not a strategic ally to Israel. However the Imam (May Allah bless his soul) – who was clear courageous and bold - in his first speech following the meeting told the people that the Savac came and told him so and so. Here I am telling you: This revolution comes under the title of expelling America from Iran, expelling Israel from Iran and toppling the Shah who is a collaborator to America and Israel. Then they took him to the jail and he was about to be executed. According to US categorization, you are in the axis of good, righteousness and peace if you are with Israel and you are in the axis of evil and terrorism not if you fight Israel but simply if you refuse to submit to Israeli conditions.

Brothers and sisters! I will wrap up this title before moving to the title of Israel which is having support and is arrogant and tyrannical. The system of US regimes in the region led the peoples of our region and our nation to a state of despair in achieving any victory. In the seventies people felt that we entered the Israeli-US era and we can't get out from it. Israel is a final fait accompli and America is a great power. Consequently let's see what benefits we might achieve below this ceiling.

The major blow to the resistance, opposition and Arab steadfastness project was the participation of the Egyptian regime in Camp David Agreement and consequently the emergence of Egypt from the Arab-Israeli struggle. However it is said: Allah tries and offers assistance at the same time. No soon the strongest earthquake in the region took place. It's the victory of the Islamic revolution in Iran on February 11, 1979. This revolution indeed made a true earthquake: It severed the US hand in Iran and expelled the Americans who used to rule and run the minute daily details of life in Iran. It cut ties with Israel and turned the Israeli Embassy to a Palestinian Embassy. It turned from a strategic ally to Israel to a central strategic base that supports the project of the resistance and opposition in the region. That was a great historic and strategic change. Thus Iran was confronted with siege, sanctions, isolation and wars…

For thirty years, this confrontation lasted in our region and under very difficult conditions. Syria remained steadfast and the Palestinian people kept on resisting and fighting. Then the Resistance in Lebanon was given birth. In the past decade, great developments took place in Iraq, Afghanistan, and in the past few months in Tunisia. However, in the past few days the greatest and most important development took place in Egypt in addition to what is taking place currently in more than one Arab country – Bahrain, Yemen, Jordan... However the greatest and most important event that took place in these few months is what took place on February 11th. Another regime in the US system collapsed before the will of the people, youth and faith. It is the regime of ousted Husni Mubarak.

No doubt what took place in Egypt is historic and great. Here we must salute the Egyptian people, youth and revolution first for what they offered to the nation. Our Resistance and Hezbollah offer them special thanks because this revolution was the true reason behind the liberation of brethren captive Mohammad Mansour who is participating in our celebration and whom we welcome whole-heartedly. I hope when you see him that you recall the charges he was accused of: seeking to overthrow the regime of Husni Mubarak - Imagine that! This is one of the accusations. Others are shaking the security and stability in Egypt, spreading the sect of Shiites and turning Egypt to a Shiite state! These are the accusations which he was in fact accused of by the Egyptian courts. These are absurd accusations. The truth is what we said in all the stages which we spoke in about the case of brethren Sami Shehab and what was called Hezbollah cell in Egypt. We offer our thanks to Egypt and its people for freeing all these prisoners including our dear brethren.

No doubt that what took place in Egypt is historic and very great. Today there is a great dispute. Where will the revolution lead to? What achievements will be made? Will it annul Camp David? We do not have enough time to say our views on this issue. However I may say that regardless of what will happen in Egypt, there are great changes in the post Husni Mubarak era that differ in essence and quality from what used to take place under Husni Mubarak’s regime. This is for sure. The most important repercussion is on Israel. Hereof, I usher to the second topic which is Israel. However I wrap up the first topic saying that the US system started to collapse and decline. Let's keep that in mind when we come to the topic of Lebanon because the story of Lebanon is not that of March 8 and March 14 Blocs. Then we will recall this system and the US project…

The most important repercussion is on Israel and on the entire US system in the region including Lebanon naturally. That's because Husni Mubarak left orphans in Egypt, Palestine and Lebanon. No doubt the region has entered a new stage. The enemy's Prime Minister Netanyahu talks about an earthquake with unpredictable repercussions. He is rightful because all the US, Israel and world intelligence bodies were taken by surprise with what took place in Tunisia, Egypt and the region. No doubt the greater loser in the developments and changes in the region are America - which is seeking to reduce its losses and to contain these changes – and Israel and the US system. So whoever links his fate and decision and future to the Americans is also a loser in what is and will take place.

On the Israeli level, it is clear that there is a state of fear and worry in the Israeli entity. Great efforts are now being exerted to reconsider strategies. During the past 20 or 30 years they based their strategies on the fact that the southern front – according to them – which is adjacent to Egypt is a secure quiet front and that on the other side of the frontier there is a strategic strong and firm ally. Consequently they were reassured about this front. They did not need to work on the army structure or squads according to the possibility of a confrontation taking place with Egypt or tension with Egypt at least or a threat from the Egyptian frontier as a mere possibility. They were reassured that they had a strong guard at this frontier. Thus when we look at Occupied Palestine's map, we notice that during the past decades many military airports and air bases and other bases were moved from the north and the middle to the south of occupied Palestine on the basis that it is a secure area far from the sole remaining front with Lebanon and Syria. Now they have to reconsider the whole situation. They can't act on the basis that the south of occupied Palestine is an area which is by any means free from threat no matter what the situation in Egypt would be.

On the other hand, the Israelis bet greatly on the Egyptian regime to control Gaza and the siege on it and on pressuring on the Palestinians to accept Israeli conditions. For long years, we used to hear from the Palestinian brethrens the magnitude of pressure which was practiced by the regime of Husni Mubarak and so and so who are affiliated to this regime on them to accept Israeli crusts. The Palestinians used to feel frustrated as a result of this pressure. Anyway, we all are aware of the position of the regime of Husni Mubarak from the war on Gaza. We are also aware – though we used not to talk much in the past because we did not like to cause trouble – of the role the regime of Husni Mubarak and other regimes which still exist but will collapse, Inshallah, played during July 2006 War. Few days ago, the Israelis said that during July War, Mubarak contacted them and told them to carry on. "You are in the midway so why don't you carry on July war". No doubt the face of Husni Mubarak was among the faces in the Arab world which were humiliated after the resistance gained victory in July War.

Indeed the change is very great according to the Israelis even if Egypt did not fight because the new developments will always be a source of worry to the Israeli enemy and of fear from unexpected unforeseen changes in Egypt as was the overthrow of the regime. Here I will quote two words said by Israeli figures to affirm what I am saying. Israeli War Minister Ehud Barak said while talking about our borders: The whole region is changing before our eyes. We have seen what took place in Lebanon where the government has turned to an uncomfortable government for several reasons (Now grasp what he means and how the situation was) and is more affiliated to Hezbollah. We have also seen what took place in Tunisia and now in Egypt." So Barak is talking like some figures in the Lebanese internal speak to the effect of accusing the government beforehand of being the government of Hezbollah while it is not as such. Barak added: "I do not think that there are instant repercussions for the protests in Egypt; however it seems to us how much the region is unstable (Twenty years ago Israel used to enjoy stability, power and hegemony. It wanted to impose its conditions and ink settlement agreements with all the governments in the region). We witness protests in other countries in the region. We also witness that Turkey is changing. The peace agreement with Egypt still stands. There are no military repercussions on Israel." He is trying to reassure.

In another place outgoing Israeli Chief of Staff (Gabi) Ashkenazi says: "The radical camp is mushrooming, and the circle of confrontation is becoming larger. However we are ready for the various kinds of threats. The radical camp is getting stronger. There are signs much prior to Egypt such as what is taking place in Lebanon and Turkey. Iran is behind most of the financing, arming, training and equipping of most of the terrorist movements in the region and not only here." He added: "The reasons behind that is the weakness of the moderate camp (the system we talked about a while ago) and the traditional Arab leadership. That also goes to a different interpretation of the US power in the region". This is the current Israeli status quo.

As for the Lebanese issue, I would like to tell you the following: Days ago a farewell ceremony was held for Ashkenazi during which he talked about his achievements in the army. He said that he organized the army during the past three years in a way that prevents the flops that took place during Lebanon War II and Gaza War. So the Chief of Staff who made the new army reconstruction acknowledged that there were flops in Lebanon War II and Gaza War though they used to talk about Gaza War as a great achievement for the Zionists.

What are they talking about? The debate was always whether Israel would occupy Lebanon or not. The greatest achievement made by the Resistance is that it complicated the possibility of Israel occupying Lebanon or southern Lebanon. Brothers and sisters! Today there is a real debate in Israel and a true worry: Is the Resistance able to occupy north Palestine and control the Galilee region? Thus the Israeli Chief of Staff is obliged to make reassurances or else he is not obliged to go that far and evoke this issue and make reassurances.

The incoming Chief of Staff Benny Gantz made his first visit to the borders. On Monday he was appointed and on Tuesday he visited the borders with Lebanon accompanied with Barak to stretch muscles. What did Barak say? I am a bit specialized in Barak as with his five squads' issue. Barak told the soldiers: You must be ready because in case of war, the leadership might order you to enter Lebanon again. I want to tell Barak, Ashkenazi and Benny Gantz and I will use Barak's very terminology: On the anniversary of Sayyed Abbass, Sheikh Ragheb and Hajj Imad I tell the fighters in the Islamic Resistance: Be ready in case a war on Lebanon might be launched, the leadership of the Resistance might order you to control Galilee (In other words, liberate Galilee). I tell Ashkenazi that you are wrong in your evaluations and predictions. For thirty years you were wrong in your predictions with respect to confronting the Resistance. You were wrong when you killed Sheikh Ragheb. You were wrong when you killed Sayyed Abbass. You are confessing now that you were wrong. You were wrong when you killed Hajj Imad. You will discover that you committed an absolute stupidity. You were wrong when you insisted on confronting a country and a people who is determined to defend their dignity and honor by the blood of their dearest youth – a people whose slogan was carved deep back in history: Disgrace, how remote!

There are people in the enemy entity who are practical and realistic.

They do not hide before their fingers. Perhaps last year on this very day, I talked about airports and ports. The brethrens told me today that the first manager of Homa anti-rocket Project in the Israeli defense ministry whose name is Ozi Robeen – who is one of the developers of Alihitz system and the spying satellite and who is considered as one of the senior experts in anti-rocket defense system (so he is an expert who is specialized in this domain and knows what rockets, anti-rockets, distance and tactics mean in addition to all other details) – made an advice to the enemy leaderships. Listen what does he says. Here I say that this is what protects Lebanon. In fact this is what now protects even more than Lebanon. What does this man say? He says: "Hezbollah can close Israel’s airports, ports, power stations and strategic stations. I only hope the Israeli people will have good shelters". His only hope is that the Israeli people may have good shelters.

There is another point under the Israeli title: the assassination of Hajj Imad. This blood is still purchasing them. Worry and fear is still having control over them in their entity and abroad especially whenever the anniversary approaches. I will not go into details. However I would like to assure you that this still stands, and this decision will be executed Inshallah in the right time and within the right aim. I tell the Zionist leaders and generals: Be careful wherever you went around. You must always make sure that you are still alive because the blood of Imad Mughniyeh’s will not go to waste.....and we know full well that he was assassinated by Asef Shawkat's MI goons in Kfarsoussa, courtesy of the Infamous White House Murder INC, in the Levant, under Asef Shawkat's criminal leadership since January 24th 2002.....

We in Lebanon in confrontation with Israel have made justice and achieved stability. We have made justice in both its phases to a very great degree (I will not say to the maximum). The resistance movements from all the Lebanese forces and parties along with fighters and martyrs from the Palestinian factions could restore the right to its owners. So with the blessing of the blood of these martyrs, the people of Bint Jbeil returned to Bint Jbeil, the people of Jizine returned to Jizine, the people of Marjoun also as well as the people of Hasbayeh returned to their villages. The land, fields and houses were returned to their owners. The land returned to national sovereignty.

This is one phase of justice. This was not achieved by the Security Council, America, international resolutions or anyone. It is rather the Lebanese and their Palestinian brethrens in Lebanon who could achieve this phase of justice with the support of Syria and Iran.

The second phase of justice was achieved when many of the criminals were killed in the confrontation field. On of these criminals was the Israeli leader in the Lebanese territories Gerstein who was succeeded by Benny Gantz – the incoming Chief of Staff. This is to let you know who the Chief of Staff is. For the last year or two in Lebanon he was the head of the Israeli troops and the actual leader of the Lebanese Southern Army (Antoine Lahd's Army). It was he who was defeated. It was he who witnessed the defeat. It was he who pulled his troops in that humiliating scene. It was he who locked the gate between Lebanon and Occupied Palestine. So they appointed as a Chief of Staff someone who is already absolutely humiliated. He knows what Lebanon means, what southern Lebanon means and what the Resistance means. He was also the head of the land branch in the Israeli Army in July War 2006 which failed to break into Aita and Bint Jbeil. He is one of the leaders of the Israeli defeat in July War, and he has a long experience and knows what does Lebanon mean.

We established justice with both its phases. The first phase is restoring the right to its owners and the second phase is punishing some of these criminals on the land through the act of Resistance. Thus we established stability. Since May 25, 2000 till the eve of July 12, 2006 – i.e. for almost six years the south, western Bekaa and Lebanon enjoyed a state of stability unequaled for 60 years. This stability was the result of the existence, act and embracement of the Resistance. The war (July war) was a special project which has its own conduct and targets. It was part of a project schemed for the region but failed.

Following the war, from August 15th till today, the Army, the Resistance and the people are securing stability unequaled for decades.

So the Resistance is what makes stability and justice when integrated with the Army and the people. With this embracement we make justice and stability. We protect our land and borders and we do not protect the enemy's borders. Now I do not want to go into a debate which some resort to in bargains. Today what protects Lebanon is this balance after all these experiences.

Turning to the Lebanese internal issues, it goes without saying that in the next few weeks there are many important events to take place. There are several topics that are always evoked again and again which I will mention briefly in the available time.

As for the weapons of the Resistance, we have noticed from the speeches we heard so far that what remains of March 14 Camp is determined to bring up the issue of the Resistance weapons again.
Actually, they have never abandoned evoking this issue even after the Army-People-Resistance balance was written in the ministerial statement. There is no problem. It was said that this is a point of national disagreement. That's true. We never claimed it is a point of national consensus. Today I say again it's a point of national disagreement. It was as such from the very beginning. It was as such before 1982 and after 1982. I do not want to tackle the pre-1982 era. However after 1982 and in the wake of the Israeli invasion in 1982, there was national disagreement on the issue of the Resistance.

Brothers, weapons are just a detail. The essential dispute is over the issue of Resistance. Weapons are but a detail in the issue of the Resistance. We differ in Lebanon. We used to disagree and still disagree over the option of Resistance. This is the truth. By the way, that is not a source of condemnation to the Resistance. On the contrary, that's a cause of condemnation for those who since 1982 frustrated, betrayed, criticized and back-stabbed the Resistance. It's a shame on them and not on the Resistance. Some in the other party wanted to put as a clause in May 17 Agreement that limits the number of soldiers from the Lebanese Army who are allowed to enter the South, the quantity of their equipments, the kind of weapons they are allowed to use just like Camp David. Today we heard sad news which says that Israel allowed more troops from the Egyptian Army to go to Sinai. What is the reason behind that? It's so that they protect the gas networks that transfers the Egyptian gas to Israel. That means that if the Egyptian Army wanted to dispatch more troops to Sinai which is their own land for which they offered the elite among their officers and youths as martyrs, they need permission from the Israelis according to Camp David.

It was demanded from this elite which is part of the other bloc on May 17 to agree that if the Lebanese government wanted to take a decision to dispatch a battalion or two or to increase its troops in the South or to send a definite kind of artilleries or weapons to take permission from the enemy's government!

But due to the act of Resistance, the Lebanese government can now meet and decide to dispatch 50 thousand soldiers to the South and the Israelis can't say one word. The government can send any kind of weapons to the South. It can move as it finds fit in the South. The freedom we achieved in the South is absolute, high-esteemed and sublime. It is a freedom which we deserve because of the blood of the martyrs and not due to agreements, submissions and humiliating negotiations. Yes we disagree over the option of Resistance and the arms of the Resistance. If anyone was in the past years lying and maneuvering let him say I do not want to lie anymore. We will be grateful as that would be excellent. Let everyone say what is in his heart. Let everyone say his true stance as this is an issue of national disagreement.

In the past, we agreed to share in the national dialogue to tackle the defensive strategy. If your stance on the Resistance and the Resistance arms is final and decisive, then you tell us what the use of the national dialogue is. In fact we consider that our very sharing and acceptance of the national dialogue was a great concession on our behalf for the sake of uniting the country and openness to address our crises through dialogue and communication. So this issue is decisive. Well, let's not trouble His Excellence the President and the political leaders every two or three months. What do you need this dialogue for? Let's be through with it. However if people were ready for dialogue, we are always ready for dialogue because we are people of logic, evidence and a strategy which has proven all through history its validity, precision and soundness.

If you believe that daily speeches and statements might harm the Resistance and the arms of the Resistance, you are troubling yourselves because the issue is final though you have troubled us for six years by now. Today, the situation in the whole region is changing. O young men! Read very well and see what is taking place around you. The Israelis are reading. It is beneficial that all people read about what is taking place in the region. Insisting on getting engaged in this battle and turning it into one of the three topics of the new Opposition is insisting in getting engaged in a losing frustrating fruitless battle. That's what I want to say and it's up to you to do whatever you want to do.

Now I will move to the second topic – the Special Tribunal for Lebanon. It goes without saying that we assert again that all of us in Lebanon want the truth and justice, and we assert that justice is a condition for stability. However after all these years and all what we have seen, I will make a quiet call for the leaderships of the other bloc and its masses also: Does the path of the international investigation and the STL lead to the truth and consequently to justice? That's because the condition of justice is knowing the truth. First we must reveal the truth and on the light of the truth we establish justice. When we establish justice we secure stability. Does the path of the investigation lead to the truth?

We have seen the file of false witnesses from some of its perspectives. We listened to the way the investigation was conducted and managed. We have seen how it is an absolutely political investigation. The dialogue is absolutely political. This has no place in courts. This investigation took a definite path from the very first day. They did everything to drift the path in this direction. Many were done injustice against in this path. Then they moved it in another direction. Does this path - which is based on false witnesses, politicization, investment, avoiding other possibilities and judging before investigation and even before issuing accusation – lead to the truth? We are concerned as Lebanese – if we were committed to the truth - to discuss this issue and see if there is another path that leads to the truth. Yes, there is. If we sat and have discussion we will reach there. However you wasted this chance. When the national dialogue was headed by Speaker Nabih Berri and when the STL was evoked, we agreed and said that we are with the principle of the STL – the principle. In fact that was to respect the Lebanese nature, to show commitment to the Lebanese internal situation and to unite the Lebanese internal atmosphere and not because we were convinced with the STL and its fairness. However we clearly said that the special law of the STL must be discussed to achieve guarantees of justice and guarantees for revealing the truth. All the Lebanese know how the STL was smuggled. So from the very first day, there was a decision take the STL from its very foundation, structure and action towards a clear politicized direction. No one is allowed to make arguments to get guarantees of justice.

If you want to proceed with the STL that has ignored all but one possibility and which is rife with false witnesses, leakage, politicization and corruption also; then go ahead. If in your opinion that leads to the truth, if what the indictment or trials in absentia announce is the truth, then act according to this truth. On the other hand, we will act on the light of what we absolutely believe is oppression. However, I whole-heartedly say that this path does not lead to truth and does not achieve justice.

The third point in the Lebanese internal affairs is the government and what took place recently. What the other camp has been subject to is the result of mistakes they did. However, it is unfortunate that the mistakes they talk about are not the true mistakes. Their true mistakes are something else. They know very well that they did mistakes but they are uncertain about the mistakes they did. What took place is first the result of mistakes made by the other bloc and also a result of what the great project for the region has been subject to. The other bloc were part of the new conservatives (their dear friend Bolton and the administration of George Bush). There was a project attacking Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Lebanon and the Palestinians in Gaza. It was a project of hegemony and control, and they are part of this project and system. This is not to accuse them of betrayal or anything else. These are actual facts. Everyone knows the relation of this bloc with Feltman, Bolton and the former and current US administration. What is the relation of this bloc with the US system in the region and the regime of ousted Husni Mubarak? When there is a project which is collapsing and falling, it is natural that the adjoining parts would feel weak and feeble. Why are you surprised? Whoever wants to make a revision must view the issue as a whole. The US system which they worked as a part of is disintegrating and collapsing. It is natural then that there is a kind of weakness and collapsing. I call on them to review and make a realistic reading for the developments and not to blunder in identifying what is right and what is wrong. Much of what I heard from them and they supposed are mistakes were not mistakes. The mistakes are other things.

We must return to the roots to discover the true mistakes. The first of these mistakes is being part of the US project in the region, and the biggest of these mistakes is being part of the US system in the region while the greatest of these mistakes is linking the fate of Lebanon to the fate of the US policies in the region. Moreover, one of the greatest of these mistakes is bullying our people and country with America, the West, the Security Council and the international resolutions as they are doing now. That means that they will perpetrate the very mistake again. That means let's go to America and make provocations in America – though America is stuffed with provocations. Let's also provoke France, the West, Britain, the European Union and the various Arab capitals – though most of them are now busy with their inner affairs – against PM Najeeb Mikati and the new government. Let's convince the whole world that this is the government of Hezbollah and Iran and Wilayat Al Faqih. (Alas, it's not!)

The very confrontation in principle was based on lying and oppression. They went back to the very previous mistakes. Do you know why the other bloc is feeling feeble and weak? It is because they are lying and being oppressive. They lie on themselves and on their masses and on the world. They know that this government is not that of Hezbollah. They are negotiating with PM Mikati and know everything that is taking place with PM Mikati. All the Lebanese and the foreign ambassadors also know that PM Mikati talks with Hezbollah as he talks with the heads of the other parliamentary blocs and political forces and that the man owns his own decision. He says yes, and he says no; I accept this and I do not accept that; this is appropriate while that is not. This is the truth.

When you are oppressive against the man, you are harming the position of premiership. You are doing harm to the position of premiership. You accuse the man that he is affiliated to Hezbollah while he is not affiliated to Hezbollah. You accuse Hezbollah of forming the government while Hezbollah is not forming the government. Was Hezbollah forming the government, it would have been formed from the very first couple of days.

That means that the means you are resorting to are not fair, honorable and sound. Now does dragging foreign US, western and European pressure on the government of PM Mikati comes to the interest of the nation? Why do you want to bully the government with the whole world? Is it for the sake of the weapons of the Resistance? Does that mean that if you bullied the government with the whole world you will be through with the arms of the Resistance? I have just told you a while ago that you would be troubling yourself to no avail. What would you do more than the Security Council and Resolution 1559, the US which was invading the country and July War? What will you do? This issue is over. Why do you want to bully the government with the whole world? Now let's be optimistic. They want to use US and western pressure on the US government to achieve political, fiscal and administrative reforms. That might be possible. They want to do so to confiscate the wealth of those who robbed the money of the Lebanese all through the past years. That might be possible too as is the case with other Arab countries. They want to reveal the truth concerning the fate of the 11 billion dollars or to address the Lebanese living crises. The former government was given one full year, but they are not ready to give PM Najeeb Mikati one full day! The former national unity government was given one full year, what did that government do and what did its head do? He used to fly from one country to another. How is it possible to run the administration of Lebanon while living like princes? That's impossible. Lebanon needs a premier and ministers in a government in its seat in Beirut to listen to people and address their problems, to feel their pains, poverty, deprivation and living crises. Lebanon needs a government that makes the people feel it is with them for better and for worse. Lebanon needs a government that makes the Army feel that it is with it and by its side in Adeisseh confrontation, and not always "taking rides". Every Lebanese is looking forward to a serious government, to a government which is fit of being responsible, to a government that undertakes all these missions and cases, to a government that listens to the people and not to ambassadors, and to a government that listens to the residences of Akkar, the North, Mount Lebanon, the South, Bekaa and Beirut and not to Feltman, Bolton, Connelly and other ambassadors. This is what we are looking forward to. They will show up and say this is an illusionary majority. Well, for four years we remained saying illusionary majority and we couldn't do anything. So say whatever you want. I used to say illusionary majority and you really were an illusionary majority. Today the current majority is the real one and the parliamentary majority has returned to the popular majority that was achieved in 2009. Today the parliamentary majority coincided with the popular majority.

However, this argument leads no where. There is a designate premier. There is a government that will be formed. Will we be able to achieve through the new majority a government of this kind? This is what we must seek and care for. Much of the complications mentioned in newspapers are invalid. It is normal that any Lebanese government to be formed is in fact divided between Muslims, Christians and other sects and factions. It is also divided into portfolios which also vary in categorization. We are not concerned about that. The delay so far is related to the other bloc which is supposed to say its final word. That means that the designate PM still hopes that other forces might partake. We always care for having a national unity government. If there are people who want confrontation and want to bring about America, the west and fleets – if there are still fleets that might come for their sake – they are free. After all, in principle a national unity country must be formed. If that is impossible, it is also impossible that the country remains without a government. If this point is finalized, the parliamentary blocs and the other political forces which advocated charging PM Najeeb Mikati must make effort during the coming period of time to address this issue so that a serious government which assumes its responsibilities is formed in Lebanon. We look forward to the formation of such a government so that it would assume its responsibilities.

In fact, on the 16th of February of every year, we recall the anniversary of these great leaders from whom we learnt to be patient and tolerant on one hand, determined, strong-willed, courageous and powerful on the other hand and willing to offer sacrifices and give with no limits from our blood and esteem thirdly.

Today, surely we are in a stage in which we address our leader martyrs and all our martyrs saying that your chaste blood, and industrious jihad have – Praise be to Allah – led us to the era of victories. Since we knew you, listened to you, witnessed your jihad and smelled your chaste blood which was shed for the sake of the holiest cause we ushered into the era of victories and closed behind us the doors of the era of defeat....

طلبات بلمار «موسادية» بامتياز
«أن طلبات مدعي عام المحكمة دانيال بلمار الأخيرة في موضوع التحقيق الدولي، مهينة لكرامة كل مواطن لبناني وللدولة، وتشكل إمعانا في انتهاك السيادة اللبنانية واستباحة أمن اللبنانيين وخصوصياتهم»، معتبرا أنها «مشبوهة في توقيتها وأهدافها الأمنية الساعية الى جعل لبنان يسقط بالقبضة الأميركية الإسرائيلية، ولن يسقط، ومصدرها إسرائيل، وهي إستخباراتية موسادية بامتياز».
أضاف خلال لقاء سياسي في بعلبك امس، «إن أي تزويد لهذه المحكمة بأي معلومات يسهل للأميركيين استباحة لبنان عبر قرارها الإفترائي المرتقب، وكل تفريط بأمن لبنان ومصالح اللبنانيين هو جزء من عمل عدواني ضد وطننا، وهذا هو الخطر الحقيقي على لبنان».
Les Alaouites Syriens et Maroccains sont Crypto-Sionistes...depuis des decennies...

لقد أثبتت السعودية دائما ومنذ سبعينات القرن الماضي والوقائع عربياً وعالمياً، انها طائفية حتى العظم تُدخل البلد في حرب الحضارات بالشعارات التي ترفعها، وهي شعارات عنصريّة وتحريضيّة وداعمة لسلطة ومال طائفتها وأميرها الحريري في لبنان

على القضاء المختص التحرك تلقائيا وفورا لرفع الحصانات ومحاسبة المفتنين والعابثين بالامن الاهلي... يجب تطبيق القانون ووقف الشحن المؤذي

أن الأمر قد انتهى وان الإستراتيجية قد حُسمت منذ أن تم التوافق في البيان الوزاري لحكومات على معادلة "الجيش والشعب والمقاومة" التي تمثل أفضل صيغة دفاعية

بدنا هيك رئيس يعمل حكومة بلا عملاء اسرائيل, و يفتح كل الملفات

الحريري ومسيحيّو أميركا ينفذون هذه الاستراتيجية بمهاجمة سلاح المقاومة ودعم المحكمة.... ويبدو ان الميقاتي سيتجه نحو الاعتذار فهو لا يجرؤ على المواجهة ولا يختلف كثيرا عن الحريري

ميشال سليمان من ألغام وعملاء أميركا ولا يُمثّل حليفاً مسيحياً يُمكن التعويل عليه جدياً في تأليف الحكومة أو في الانتخابات النيابيّة

Why is Yehuda Barak, the Israeli SecDef, and several other IDF top brass and Israeli politicians still threatening Lebanon daily? One gets the sense Israel is bemoaning the lack of “harassment” by Hezbollah..... As we say in Lebanon, “7torna ya 3ar3a minwayn banna nbousik.” Conversely Israel’s daily fly-overs of Lebanon and constant incursions to place spy cams, hundreds of MOSSAD/AMAN/Shinbet..... agents and listening posts in Lebanese areas is not harassment....not to talk about the other hundreds of CIA/DIA/FBI/DEA/SCS and EU agents.....LOL As usual, what is allowed for Israel & USA would get a doomsday scenario for any other party in the region....

The center of Jewish civilization and culture in the world today is the beautiful United States of America. That is where Jewish cultural, architecture, literature, civilization is based. That is where the 99 per cent of the inventions in science is coming from.

The little, stupid, racist, aggressive nonsense in Palestine – that “state within a state” (the Zionist embryo within British Palestine which morphed into the exclusivist death camp and dead end which is ridiculously referred to as “Israel” but which in reality has no connection with ancient Israelite kingdoms in Palestine..., that ridiculous aggressive racist apartheid state – Why do we need to be distracted by this nonsense?

Let’s have care about humanity and Lebanon’s future.

DO we honestly have to have the Jewish victim-bully boy nutcases disturb the neighborhood?

It is a bore and a distraction and doesn’t assist those of us that actually care about building Lebanon’s future.